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Hero Break


05 October 2010


---English follows---

Aún antes de comenzar el Festival, en un receso, a penas saludando a algunos de los compañeros que venían de llegar a Quito, alguien me preguntó que ahora que traía de nuevo. Le dije que traía las cámaras Hero que son unas camaritas de video chiquitas que uno se pone en la cabeza y que te olvidas de ellas. Pero que cuando ves el video es loquísimo porque es como estar adentro de la cabeza de alguien.

En lugar de seguir explicándoles me puse la camarita en la cabeza y grabé nuestras bromas y risas, muchas de ellas sucitadas precisamente por lo ridícula que se ve una con una de estas camaritas en la cabeza, jaja!

Aquí los pequeños segunditos de esas risas y lo que ahí mismo les mostré a ellos para que vieran lo que estas camaritas podían hacer.


Before the Festival started we were on a break just welcoming the collegues who were arriving from everywhere in the world. One of them asked me what did I bring this time that was new. I answered I brought some Hero cameras that are crazy because they are so small that you can put them in your head or chest and forget about them while you film. Then it's even more crazy when you see the footage because it's like as if you were in someone's head.

Before I went further I just took it out of my bag and placed it into my head. I recorded the few seconds of jokes and laughs that follow, the last ones partly because of how ridiculous you look when you have one of this cameras in your head.

Here is the few seconds I recorded and what I showed them right after I recorded to show how these cameras work.

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ᑐᑭᓯᒋᐊᕐᕖᑦ: IsumaTV Ecuador