Pinalapi and Tony visit the museum in Iqaluit and describe what the traditional tools and clothing are used for. Pinalapi ammalu Tuuni takujagaqarvimmiituuk kisuruluujanginnik kisuumangaata nalunaiqtuillutik.
Pitsiulaaq students in Cape Dorset make traditional tools in their shop class. Pitiulaaq Ilinniaqtingit sanajut kisuruluujarnit sanavingani ilinniaviup.
Traditional Day showing traditional tools and clothing at Nakasuk School in Iqaluit. Takuksautiitijut Inuit iliqqusituqanginnit amma pilirijutivinirnik annuratuqaniklu Nakashuk ilinniarvimmi.
Taiviti shares what he had learned in school. (Ii pi ti kii, Head and Shoulders song). Taiviti ilinniaqtamininginnik unikkaaqtuq (ii pi ti kii, niaqu, tui, siiqu, putugu).
Anaanatsiaq and Anirniq are out berry picking in Iqaluit. Children in Baker Lake are also berry picking. Anaanatsiaq ammalu Anirniq nunivattillugik paurngarni Iqalunni. Qamaniqtuarmiutait surusiit nunivattut.
Joamie School students learn how to put up a tent and learn different kinds of traditional games. Jumiup ilinniaqtingit tupirsurianga ilinniaqtillugit ammalu Inuit pinguarusituqanginnit pinguaqtitautillugit.
Ataatatsiaq set's up his hunting gear in the qamutik. Ataatatsiaq, Anaanatsiaq, and Johhny take off in the dog sled. They stop to take a rest and have some tea. They also talk about where they met and where they used to hunt and fish. They stop where they were originally born and set up their tent. Ataatatsiaq atuinnaruqsaitullugu aummitirminni qamutinganut.… Uqalimakkanirit
A storybook about a man named Peter. He wrote a letter about places where there are a lot of animals. He gave the letter to his son, Elijah, so that he would know where there are animals when he becomes old enough to hunt by himself. Piita titiraqtuminiq nami uumajuqarmangaaq nunami irnninganuuqtuniuk Elijamut imminik uumajurasugunnaqsiguni atulaarmagu.
Laipa Pitsiulak and his family live out on the land in Upirngivik. They make tea, have bannock and tell stories. Laipa Pittiulaaq ilajaangillu Upirngivimmi nunaqatillugit igajuit tiimik palaugaaqtuqtutillu unikkausaruluujaqtutillu.