Statistics uploaded by: Nathalie Kalina channel: DIAMA Statistics by Jessica Wesaquate and Andrea Rogers Grade Level: Four… Uqalimakkanirit
1m 35s Reservation Blues uploaded by: Gord Grisenthwaite channel: FranticToad Finished second in the APTN Show Us Your Beat video contest. Filmmaker: Gord Grisenthwaite Filmmaker Contact: Producer's Name: Gord Grisenthwaite Year of Production: 2006 Country: Canada Region: BC… Uqalimakkanirit
4m 48s Clear Cut uploaded by: 7th Generation Image Makers channel: 7thGen Clear Cut is a deeply personal found-footage reflection on mixed race identity. John Hupfield is Anishnawbe from Wasauksing First Nation on Perry Island. Clear Cut is his first video. Filmmaker: John Hupfield Filmmaker Contact: Producer's Name: 7th Generation image Makers… Uqalimakkanirit