Guillermo Espinosa-Velasco


Guillermo Espinosa-Velasco's picture

ARTCO Advisor

I began working with the Wixárika People in 1971. I was head of the Computer Science Master Program at UNAM, head of the Social Systems Department of IIMAS-UNAM, head of the National Indian Institute (Mexico), head of the Inter-American Indian Institute (specialized organ of the OAS), and member of the Advisory Council of the National Human Rights Commission (Mexico).

I work for the Mexican Center of Solidarity Entailment since 2007, which promotes active citizen participation. I participated in the government staff that promoted an Amendment on Indian Rights (1992, Mexico).

For me Indian knowledge is a valuable heritage of Humankind, and art is a liberating activity that may also contribute to social transformation.

I was born in Mexico (1947), and studied mathematics at UNAM-Mexico.

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