TR: Aboriginal Violinist Tara-Louise Montour Inspires Young Native Audiences in Toronto Friday, Aug. 13
Aboriginal Violinist Tara-Louise Montour Inspires Young Native Audiences in Toronto Friday, Aug. 13 in Partnership with ANDPVA & the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto! (Prelude to Performance at Brott Music Festival)
Tara-Louise Montour, acclaimed Mohawk-Canadian violinist, performs for a young Aboriginal audience, gives a short talk, and participates in a Q&A.
Tara-Louise celebrates her heritage in music and dress. She is known for commissioning new compositions on Native themes.
Friday, August 13, 2010, 11:15 –11:45 p.m.
Native Canadian Centre of Toronto – Auditorium,
16 Spadina Road (just north of Bloor)
R.S.VP.: To Tannis Nielsen @ NCCT 416-964-9087 OR Kara Louttit @ ANDPVA 416-535-4567 ext 105
Tara-Louise Montour premieres a new Aboriginal-themed composition at the Brott Music Festival in Hamilton – Saturday, August 14, 7:30 p.m. at the McIntyre Theatre, Mohawk College, 135 Fennell Ave. W. (at West 5th).
She joins the National Academy Orchestra and conductor Boris Brott in the world premiere of Trickster Coyote – Lightning Elk, a work she commissioned by Edmonton composer Malcolm Forsyth. She also debuts a new gown specially created by celebrated Aboriginal couturier, D’Arcy Moses.
For tickets and info visit http://www.facebook.com/l/a8c79mnqUVV6e7V1OUSNZkTzRBg;www.brottmusic.com or call 1-888-475-9377.
The concert, titled The Famous Firebird & Other Legends, also features the Ottawa School of Ballet with Veronica Tennant retelling the tale of the spectacular Firebird.
The Brott Music Festival thanks the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto and ANDPVA (Association for Native Development in the Performing & Visual Arts) for their participation on August 13.)