Rediscovering the Path


06 June 2010


Rediscovering the Path is a Cultural and Traditional Advisors forum that is open to the public. Visiting Advisors from southern Saskatchewan share their personal insight, cultural and traditional experiences, preserving Aboriginal oral history; all the while giving students support from the traditional community.

The Aboriginal Student Centre (ASC) at the University of Regina hosts this monthly forum that invites Traditional and Cultural Advisors to share their knowledge, expertise and perspectives for the purpose of education, lifelong learning and community engagement.

Advisor Sylvia Obey from the Piapot First Nation work at the Aboriginal Student Centre providing cultural and traditional support to students.

Rediscovering the Path is an initiative that showcases the mixture of customs and practices from neighbouring communities and First Nations of Saskatchewan.

This exceptionally popular awareness forum offers limited capacity, so if you are interested in listening to a story, or two, then come by the ASC early to ensure that some soup, bannock and a seat is available for you.

Rediscovering the Path forums were recorded by staff and students at Aboriginal Student Centre at the University of Regina and the department of Indian Communication Arts at First Nations University of Canada. Recordings are also to be available on DVD and purchasable via donation.

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