115-07303OT-Takuginai-legend about Kautjakjuk


30 March 2016


The legend about Kautjakjuk. Kautjakjuk didn't have any parents. He slept in the front porch of the igloo in between two dirty dogs. Every night, he would sing to the moon. One day, a man from the moon came and told him "I want to whip you so you will get bigger." He whipped Kautjakjuk and so he became a big person, bigger than everyone else and he hid in an igloo. In the middle of the night, two polar bears came and two ladies said "where's Kautjakjuk? We can use him to tease the polar bears!" He came out of the igloo and started throwing everyone around except those two ladies who were making fun of him the most. They became his wives and slaves.

Inuktut for above: Kautjakjuk Iliarqjuulauqpuq, sirluamik sinippattuniq qimmiik surualuuk akunninginnik. Taqqirmmugguuq unnugaimmat inngiqattaqtuminiq. Asuillaak taqqirmmiutarmik tikittuqarqtuminiq uqaujjaulluni "ipiraqturumajagit angilliniaravit". Kautjakjuk angijualuuliqtuminiq illuvigaup iluani ijiqtuni. Unnuakkugguuq marruunnik nanuunnik tikiraaqtaullutit Kautjakjuk apiqutaulirniqquq uirisautauniarmat. Illuvigarmit anilluni, taakkuaguuq Inuit kingulliingitigut tigullunigit tiigautituinnaqattaliqtaminingit nunguttunigit nunaliit arnaannik marruunnik amiakkullunigik sukkujiaqaluanguaqattarqtuminiik. Nuliaqtaarillunigik pijikataaqtaarillunigillu.


Takuginai (Look Here): This is the premiere Aboriginal language program in North America directed at children. Takuginai is one of IBC's longest running, best known and most loved programs. The series features the likes of "Johnny" the lemming and other locally made puppets and young hosts. Takuginai educates Inuit children with cultural values such as respect for elders, sharing and patience, and having fun in the process. Takuginai also teaches Inuktitut numbers, colours, sizes and syllabics. Takuginai was created for the five to seven year-old age group; however, the show is enjoyed by people of all ages. Older episodes of Takuginai were half-hour programs produced in Iqaluit with segments also provided by our other centres. More recent videos include animation. The newest episodes are 15 minutes and are available at http://www.isuma.tv/Takuginai-Web-Series.
The Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, established in Canada's territory of Nunavut, has been producing Inuit language video, by, for and about Inuit since 1981. This video is from their collection and has been made available on the Internet for your enjoyment through funding provided by the Government of Canada and the Government of Nunavut.

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ᑐᑭᓯᒋᐊᕐᕖᑦ: Takuginai Educator Series