



EITI   Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative
FPIC  Free Prior Inform Consent
IIBA   Inuit Impact Review Board
ITC    Inuit Tapirisat of Canada
ITK    Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
KIA    Kitikmeot Inuit Association
KIA    Kivalliq Inuit Association
NIRB  Nunavut Imapct Review Board
NLCA Nunavut Land Claim Agreements
NTI     Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated
QIA    Qikiqtani Inuit Association
TFN   Tunngavik Federation of Nunavut
UNDRIP United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples


NTI Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated
QIA Qikiqtani Inuit Association (Represents approximately 14,000 Inuit in 13 communities)
KIA Kitikmeot Inuit Association
KIA Kivalliq Inuit Association
NTI is the principal land claims organization responsible for negotiating and managing the land claims for all of Nunavut: NTI coordinates and manages Inuit responsibilities set out in the Nunavut Agreement and ensures that the federal and territorial governments fulfill their obligations.

KIA, QIA and KIA are the three regional land claims organizations, Designated Inuit Organizations created through the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and representing and ensuring the needs of each region are met through the land claims. https://www.qia.ca/who-we-are

Mines in Nunavut

North Rankin Nickel Mine
1957 – 1962

Nanisivik Mine
A zinc-lead mine
1975 – 2002
Nunavut 73°02'40.0"N 84°32'14.0"W

Lupin Mine
Gold mine
1982 – 2005
Nunavut 65°45'49.0"N 111°13'15.0"W

Polaris Mine
Zinc underground mine
1982- 2002
Nunavut 75°23'40.0"N 96°52'50.0"W

Jericho Mine
Dormant diamond mine
2006 – 2008
Nunavut 65°59'50.0"N 111°28'30.0"W

Meadowbank Gold Mine
Open pit gold mine
2010 – 2019
Nunavut 65°01'07.0"N 96°04'26.0"W

Mary River Mine
Open pit iron ore mine
2014 – to date
Nunavut 71°19'24.0"N 79°12'38.0"W

Hope Bay Mine
Gold mine
2017 – to date
See map below

Amaruq Mine
Open pit gold deposit - a satellite deposit to the Meadowbank Mine
2017 – to date

Meliadine Gold Mine
Gold mine
2019 –
Nunavut 63°01'55.3"N 92°13'15.8"W





03 March 2023


ᑐᑭᓯᒋᐊᕐᕖᑦ: They Have To Hear Us