

22 December 2009



The Wirraritarie people must deliver offerings to the gods, traveling through over three thousand kilometers.

The jicareros (responsible for this tradition) work for seven months every year, mainly all over central Mexico, to honour their customs.

Venado (deer) is a portrait of the jicareros from the Great Deer Ceremonial Center from Cohamiata, filmed at their request with the purpose of preserving the tradition.



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Media on this Channel

  • Sinopsis

    uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira

    channel: Venado


    Venado es un retrato de los jicareros, responsables de cumplir con la mitológica y épica tradición wirrárika (huichola).

    Los marakate (chamanes, cantadores, curanderos) recorren más de tres mil kilómetros de eternos paisajes sostenidos por su compleja espiritualidad y su gran sentido del humor. 


    uploaded date: 16-03-2010

  • Synopsis (English)

    uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira

    channel: Venado

    Venado is a portrait of the jicareros, the practitioners of the mythological and epic wirrárika tradition. The schamans travel through eternal landscapes supported by their complex spirituality and great sense of humor.  During their feasts, poetics are essential and routinary.



    uploaded date: 15-03-2010

  • Texto del Director

    uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira

    channel: Venado

    "A los marakate los guían el fuego y las plumas; en el canto ellos van a encontrar el camino...... si no hay jicareros para entregar las ofrendas en los lugares sagrados, puede venir la enfermedad, o puede dejar de llover".

    José María Reza, marakame
    de Cohamiata. Julio de 2002



    uploaded date: 12-03-2010

  • Credits

    uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira

    channel: Venado

    Presented by Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Enramada, with the support of Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica and Elizabeth Córdoba MacArthur

    A film by the Centro Ceremonial Tserie'kame de Cohamiata

    Venado (Deer)


    uploaded date: 11-03-2010

  • Ficha Técnica

    uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira

    channel: Venado


    Presentado por el Fondo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Enramada
    Con el apoyo del Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica y de Elizabeth Córdoba MacArthur

    Una película del Centro Ceremonial Tserie'kame de Cohamiata


    Antonino Navarrete de la Cruz


    uploaded date: 03-03-2010

  • 1h 19m 43s

    Venado SD English Subtitles

    uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira

    channel: Venado

    The Wirraritarie people must deliver offerings to the gods, traveling through over three thousand kilometers.

    The jicareros (responsible for this tradition) work for seven months every year, mainly all over central Mexico, to honour their customs.


    uploaded date: 12-02-2010

  • 1h 19m 38s

    Venado SD Español

    uploaded by: Pablo Fulgueira

    channel: Venado

    The Wirraritarie people must deliver offerings to the gods, traveling through over three thousand kilometers.

    The jicareros (responsible for this tradition) work for seven months every year, mainly all over central Mexico, to honour their customs.


    uploaded date: 22-01-2010