10 Key Findings

1. Mary River Mine – Summary

The Mary River Mine is a massive and unprecedented mining development for Nunavut (and the Arctic region in general)....

2. Mining in Nunavut – Summary

The Mary River mine is not the first mine to developed in Nunavut, nor will it be the last....

3. Human Rights in Canada – Summary

The assessment of the human rights situation for the Mary River mine begins with a review of how government protects human rights in Canada....

4. Human Rights and the Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation – Summary

International standards require companies to respect human rights....

5. Inuit Rights to Consultation and Consent – Summary

On-going consultation with Inuit and other stakeholders is a critical component of respecting human rights....

6. Workers' Rights at the Mary River Mine – Summary

Workers’ rights are one of the areas that the Baffinland company has the greatest amount of control over its impacts....

7. Human Rights and the Environment – Summary

The history, culture, traditional activities and livelihoods of Inuit are intimately connected with the environment and wildlife....

8. Human Rights and Communities – Summary

The Baffinland company will make a number of direct and indirect contributions to the Inuit communities through taxes, royalties, impact benef...

9. Transparency – Summary

Mining companies are expected to do more to be transparent about the money and gifts they give to governments in order to fight corruption and...

10. Access to Remedies – Summary

The government and Baffinland must provide access to remedies for employees and community members whose human rights have been harmed by the M...

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Human Rights Assessment

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