A girl was out picking berries.
- 1. A girl was out picking berries.
- 2. Track 2
- 3. She did not respect the work required to pick the berries and complained.
- 4. As well, she was mad that the bears had eaten the berries.
- 5. She slipped in bear poo, and hurt her ankle.
- 6. Track 6
- 7. She called for her husband, to come and help her.
- 8. But he was not her husband, to come and help her.
- 9. Track 9
- 10. She was taken to a bear village, Where she had to marry the bear.
- 11. She had two children, little cubs.
- 12. Later on she was rescued by her human family.
- 13. This story teaches respect for all things.
- 14. and tells us why bears are our relatives.
- 15. Track 15
- 16. Track 16
- 17. Track 17
- 18. Track 18
- 19. Track 19
- 20. Track 20
- 21. Track 21
- 22. Track 22
- 23. Track 23
- 24. Track 24
- 25. Track 25
- 26. Track 26
- 27. Track 27
- 28. Track 28
- 29. Track 29
- 30. Track 30
- 31. Track 31
- 32. Track 32
- 33. Track 33
- 34. Track 34