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Arctic College 2016


05 July 2016


 in the late april of 2016, bunch of people graduated there high school and ABE, as the crowd cheeres in the little classroom as each name are called.  

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12m 14s

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      uploaded by: COOP Igloolik

      channel: Igloolik

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      In the second part everyone went to old hall for the result whom got the biggest fish. When the count is finish, they start from the smallest to the biggest fish.


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      uploaded date: 07-07-2016

    • 12m 14s

      Arctic College 2016

      uploaded by: COOP Igloolik

      channel: Igloolik

       in the late april of 2016, bunch of people graduated there high school and ABE, as the crowd cheeres in the little classroom as each name are called.  

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      stanley cup 2016

      uploaded by: COOP Igloolik

      channel: Igloolik

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