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Oracy Development


08 March 2010


Oracy Development

by Jessica Wesaquate and Andrea Rogers


Using a Tipi Raising to Develop Oracy Skills

Subject Area:

Language Arts

Grade Level:



Students will be able to share what they know about a tipi raising.

Students will be able to make predictions based on an idea around the tipi.

Students will be able to learn about erecting a tipi.

Pre-requisite Knowledge:

First Nations people, introduction of the tipi


Depending on your students, and your class size, you may decide to show anywhere from one to all of the tipi raising videos. If you are choosing to show the Anaquod clips, share with your students that Glen is speaking about how the Saulteaux peoples put up a tipi. If you show them the tipi raising clips with Tim Haywahe, share that he is speaking about how the Nakota peoples put up a tipi.


Explain to the students that today they will be watching videos of a tipi raising. What do they know about a tipi? Tipi raising? At this time, students may respond with stereotypical answers. This is a result of how First Nations people are portrayed in the media - books, movies, cartoons, and more. Whether or not this happens, take the time to share that First Nations peoples used tipis as accommodation in the past, but that in the present day First Nations people live in houses. Help them to understand that First Nations peoples still own tipis and that there are many teachings around them.

You will notice on our website ( that each of the tipi raising clips have a caption underneath them, such as "measuring the first pole." Use these titles to do prediction with your Kindergarten students. So before showing them the video clips titled measuring the first pole, ask them how they think the students in the video will do that? After they have made their predictions, show them the clip. Were their predictions correct? Have them explain what they seen in the video.

Again, under your discretion as the educator, you can do this with simply one video, or as many as you like. This activity should involve the students being asked about how they feel, what they think, and what they see. It promotes active participation and communication. This activity can be done on a one to one basis, in small groups, and of course with the entire class.


You can create a checklist for your students by simply using an attendance page or creating your own. Try to interact with as many students as possible in this activity.

Extension Activity:

You can show students a video clip with Glen Anaquod, and then one with Tim Haywahe and have students share what they see as the same and what they see as different.



Aboriginal Perspectives is supported by the University of Regina, the Imperial Oil Foundation, the Canadian Mathematical Society and the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.

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