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Dr. Patterson


30 March 2020



9h 30m 59s
  • Duration: 15m 40s

     Lucy Tulugarjuk, the executive director of Nunavut Independent Television Network, interviews Dr.Patterson, the Chief Public Health Officer for Nunavut, about the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Duration: 15m 32s

     Lucy Tulugarjuk, the executive director of Nunavut Independent Television Network, interviews Dr.Patterson, the Chief Public Health Officer for Nunavut, about the coronavirus pandemic.

  • Duration: 3m 52s

    Elders Abraham and Meeka Arnakaq talk about why they quit smoking 20 years ago, and how they feel today.

    Filmmaker: Video editing - Jake Hanna; Footage/Interviewer - Emily Karpik; Interviewees: Abraham Arnakaq, Meeka Arnakaq; Text reference - www.heartandstroke.ca

    Contact: Inuit Tuttarvingat, National Aboriginal Health Organization

  • Duration: 4m 50s

    Inuit talk about personal experiences and their family members who have quit smoking, and how it has changed or improved their lives.

  • Duration: 2m 29s

    Ataatatsiaq talks about how country food is good for your health. Ataatatsiaq ajuriqsuijuq qanuq niqiit angujaujut piunirsaungmangata timimut.


  • Duration: 6m 9s

    Matu is carving an inukshuk. He says he's too old now to carve more than one inukshuk in a day. He finishes the carving and he realizes that his house is a mess. He thinks about calling Anirniq to come and clean his place because he thinks he's too old to clean it himself. Jaaji walks in the door and sees all the mess. He offers to help Matu clean.

  • Duration: 4m 6s

    Daycare children play outdoors and run around. Students do spring cleaning. Pairivimmiutait aniinnguaqtitaujut ammalu ilinniaqtiit silami saniqtilauplutik.


  • Duration: 28m 58s

    Program name: Takujuminaqtut / Takuyuminaqtut
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Cecile Sanertanut
    Segment 1: Rankin Inlet’s regional high school students graduate. Parents from the surrounding communities come in to celebrate with the community.
    Segment 2: Rankin Inlet residents clean up the town.

  • Duration: 13m 52s

    Program name: Nunatsiakmiut
    Producer: Nunatsiakmiut Community Television Society / Nunatsiakmiut Film Society was launched in Frobisher Bay in 1975. This was the earliest Inuit filmmaking group in the Eastern Arctic. Nunatsiakmiut means ‘People From the Beautiful Land.’
    Location: Iqaluit

  • Duration: 15m 11s

    ᑯᑯᒃᑯ, ᐅᓗᐊᑲᓪᓚᒃᑯᑦ ᐊᒻᒪᓗ ᓯᕙᖅᑐᖅᑎ ᑑᕐᙵᒃᑯᑦ ᖁᕕᐊᓱᖃᑎᒌᑦᑐᑦ ᓴᓗᒻᒪᖅᓴᖃᑎᒌᑦᑐᑎᑦ.
    Kuku, Uluakalla and Pilot Biscuit Monster have a cleaning party while Ooloota is out grocery shopping.


  • 01:50 Documentaries | Bear Skin Cleaning 1

    Duration: 4m 1s

  • 01:54 Documentaries | Bear Skin Cleaning 2

    Duration: 4m 22s

  • 01:59 Documentaries | Bear Skin Cleaning 3

    Duration: 4m 32s

  • 02:03 Documentaries | Bear Skin Cleaning 3

    Duration: 4m 32s

  • Duration: 2m 5s

     A music video about healthy eating from the Takuginai Web Series episode: Corny's Visit.


  • Duration: 28m 23s

    Barney’s Bloopers

  • Duration: 28m 58s

    Program name: Takujuminaqtut
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Leo Subgut
    Camera: Lukie Aingiliq
    Location: Rankin Inlet

    Segment 1: Men hunt for seals by boat, and catch one seal.

    Segment 2: Men fish with nets in the ocean.

    Segment 3: Arviat Festival – Accordion and fiddle players.

  • Duration: 24m 9s

    Walking Song

  • 03:31 Documentaries | Bear Skin Drying 1

    Duration: 3m 30s

  • 03:35 Documentaries | Bear Skin Drying 2

    Duration: 3m 39s

  • 03:38 Documentaries | Bear Skin Drying 3

    Duration: 4m

  • 03:42 Documentaries | Bear Skin Drying 4

    Duration: 3m 40s

  • 03:46 Documentaries | Bear Skin Drying 5

    Duration: 3m 49s

  • 03:50 Documentaries | Bear Skin Drying 6

    Duration: 3m 37s

  • 03:54 Documentaries | Bear Skin Drying 7

    Duration: 3m 30s

  • Duration: 7m 48s

    IBC Takuyaksat Super Shamou 1a 1987, Baker Lake Inuit Broadcasting Corporation 1987, Producer: Peter Tapatai, Host: Host: Martin Qilaq (Kreelak).

    Segment 1: This video is about night that Super Shamou (Shupu Shamoo) became a super hero by receiving a necklace from a shaman.

  • Duration: 15m 43s

    IBC Takuyaksat Super Shamou 2a, Baker Lake Inuit Broadcasting Corporation 1987, Producer: Peter Tapatai, Host: Barney Patongayuk.

    Segment 1: An interview with Super Shamou (Shupu Shamu), an Inuk super hero. One of his roles was to stop violence. Segment 2: The making of a Super Shamou video.

  • Duration: 57m 4s

    NITV: Nunatinni (At Our Place). Local news and culture from Igloolik.

    This episode includes a trainee interview and segments about Halloween 1999, the recent by-law and Mason Nangmalik.

    Filmmaker Contact:

    Host: Carol Kunuk

    Camera: Aaron Kunuk

    Producer's Name: NITV

    Country: Canada

  • Duration: 3m 47s

    Synopsis: The Visit tells the true story of a Cree family's strange encounter one winter night, which results in a conversation beyond words.

    Filmmaker: Lisa Jackson

    Contact: National Film Board of Canada and APTN

    Producer: Selwyn Jacob

    Year of Production: 2009

    Distributor Information: National Film Board of Canada and APTN

    Country: Canada

  • Duration: 30m 42s

  • Duration: 4m 25s

    Ataatatsiaq tells a story about his great grandfather hunting in the middle of the night when the moon is shining and he doesn't know something is following him. He finds a hole in the ice for a qalupalik. He thinks it's a hole for a seal so he waits for a seal to come out of the hole. A qalupalik takes him into the sea. Somehow he comes back up.

  • 05:57 Artcirq

    Duration: 50m 37s

    Artcirq tells the story of how a group of young circus performers try to teach young Inuit to use circus to find more meaning in life and reject suicide.

  • 06:47 Documentaries | Nipi (Voice)

    Duration: 50m 45s

    Rapid change from traditional to modern life in Nunavut, like many post-colonial societies, has concentrated power, wealth and information in a few hands.

  • 07:38 Documentaries | Arviq! (Bowhead!)

    Duration: 52m 32s

    In 1994, fulfilling the wish of 94 year-old Noah Piugattuk to taste whale-skin maqtaq once again before he passes away, a group of Igloolik hunters illegally catches a bowhead whale after years of government prohibition. This event which sparks a legal controversy, the hunters are charged, government policy is resisted, then changed..

  • Duration: 25m 52s

    IBC Baker Lake 30, Funny Stories, Inuit Broadcasting Corporation Baker Lake, Host William Noah. Inuktut no subtitles.

    Funny Stories from Baker Lake, Segment 1: Thomas Suvaaraq and Leo Qijuarjuk talk about funny stories.

  • Duration: 27m 50s

    Program name: Kippinguijautiit

  • Duration: 6m 13s

    Weddell seal giving birth on the ice during winter in Antarctica and struggel of babies to survive.

More from this channel: Igloolik Television