Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum

Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum (EICC) is a multimedia unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut. Lesson plans aligned to elementary curricula are based on five DVDs and a music CD from the Igloolik Isuma Productions media collection. Following a 100-page curriculum guide written and fieldtested by elementary school teachers, teachers and students explore the richness of Inuit culture and unique Canadian Arctic from an Inuit point of view. Includes:

  • 5 films
  • 1 audio CD
  • Inuit Studies Reader anthology
  • 100-page Curriculum Guide suitable for teachers Grades 4-6


Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum

SEE a selection of the Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum here.

BUY Isuma films through our association with VTape, who ships and bills orders for us to anywhere in the world from Toronto.

Purchase rates for INSTITUTIONS may include public performance and circulation rights and are designed for museums, galleries, libraries, universities and media archives of all sorts.

Purchase rates for INDIVIDUALS allow private buyers and individual teachers or researchers to own any title in our collection at competitive DVD prices. Some titles also may be available from Amazon or other retailers.


For purchase details or to order, please contact:




language == 'fr') { print '

Ce site utilise la police de caractères Euphemia pour afficher l’écriture syllabique en Inuktitut. Vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement ici.
Ce site nécessite Adobe Flash Player pour voir le contenu multimédia. Vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement ici.
Ce site nécessite Adobe Acrobat Reader afin d\'afficher le contenu. Vous pouvez le télécharger gratuitement ici.

'; print '

Produit avec la participation financière de
Canada logo Canadian Heritage logo

'; } else { print '

This site uses the Euphemia font to display Inuktitut syllabics. You can download it for free here.
This site requires the Adobe Flash Player to view multimedia content. You can download it for free here.
This site requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to display some content. You can download it for free here.

'; print '

Produced with the financial participation of
Canada logo Canadian Heritage logo Telefilm Logo

'; } ?>