We are going to the beach. Your browser does not support playing video. Please update your browser or install Adobe Flash 1. We are going to the beach. 4s 2. Do you see the waves? 5m 3s 3. Do you feel the sand? 4s 4. Do you smell the ocean? 5s 5. Do you hear the seagulls? 5s 6. Do you taste the delicious food? 4s 7. Track 7 4s Acerca de Uploaded by: Haida080 14 julio 2016 6981 views Duración: 4s
5s Baking bread with my Nanaay- DII NAANA DANG.ÇAD SAABALII GIITS'ISÇA uploaded by: Haida080 canal: Skidegate Radio
4s How is the weather today?- DII NANNGA DANG.AD SAABALII GIITS'ISGA uploaded by: Haida080 canal: Skidegate Radio
5s I'm Playing in the Sandbox-Taas guudaay gaa Hll Naang uploaded by: Haida080 canal: Skidegate Radio
4s We are walking on Spirit Lake Trail- Guuhlga siiwaay K'yuu guu t'alang gandal. uploaded by: Haida080 canal: Skidegate Radio
6s I am picking salmonberries- Sk'awgan gii hll skaadang uploaded by: Haida080 canal: Skidegate Radio