
  • 4direcciones audio-visual

    uploaded by: richard@4direcciones.tv

    Diana Rico y Richard Decaillet son artistas plásticos y realizadores. Desde el 2006 trabajan juntos como 4direcciones audio-visual haciendo películas, exposiciones y publicaciones. El propósito de 4direcciones es preservar y promover la diversidad cultural y explorar la estrecha relación que existe entre el arte, el territorio y la biodiversidad.


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    uploaded date: 19-09-2010

  • 5m 47s

    Book launch of ARNAIT NIPINGIT, Voices of Inuit Women in Leadership and Governance

    uploaded by: Marie-Hélène Cousineau


    "The books gathers the reflections of eleven Inuit women who have taken the risk of leadership in Canada and beyond"

    Edited by Louis McComber and Shannon Partridge.This edition was a limited one for the Symposium; the official print comes in a few weeks. Essential reading for who wants to understand how Nunavut feels from the inside.

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    uploaded date: 18-09-2010


    uploaded by: Marie-Hélène Cousineau

    Collecting, Connecting and Creating Women’s Voices in Nunavut

    September 13-17, 2010 Iqaluit, Nunavut

    Welcome to the blog we created during the Symposium! We want to keep you  updated on what happened in Iqaluit during this exciting meeting. You will find here photos, videos and texts, in Inuktitut and English from the Symposium participants.

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    uploaded date: 03-09-2010

  • Inuit Cree Warfare

    uploaded by: Stéphane Rituit

    "Inuit Cree Warfare" is the development/research title of one of Isuma's new feature film.

    We will share on this channel our researches and stories behind this part of our History.

    This project is led by: Zacharias Kunuk (Inuk), Ron Sheshamush (Cree) and Neil Diamond (Cree).

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    uploaded date: 06-08-2010

  • AVC

    uploaded by: AVCMEDIA

    AVC is primarily an electronic media source to the multicultural community and to the commercial industry and is committed to producing news and entertainment that is valued throughout our globe. We are based in Toronto, Canada and publish our news and entertainment via the digital choice network, satellite and broadband internet.

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    uploaded date: 27-07-2010

  • The DIAMA Blog

    uploaded by: Teague Schneiter

    The DIAMA Blog is an ongoing conversation related to the topic of indigenous media archiving. It will include posts related to the preservation and access of indigenous media via web technologies, as well as ways that archives and archival content is being used commuities, such as language preservation.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 13-06-2010

  • Rediscovering the Path

    uploaded by: JCrowe

    Rediscovering the Path is a Cultural and Traditional Advisors forum that is open to the public. Visiting Advisors from southern Saskatchewan share their personal insight, cultural and traditional experiences, preserving Aboriginal oral history; all the while giving students support from the traditional community.

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    uploaded date: 06-06-2010

  • 32m 37s


    uploaded by: NFB

    canal: The National Film Board of Canada

    Synopsis: Selon les Inuit, chaque pierre que recueille le sculpteur renferme un secret. La sculpture inuit, découverte il y a quelques années, fut une véritable révélation. Elle est l'expression simple et poétique d'un génie bien particulier. Film tourné au Cap Dorset, en Terre de Baffin, parmi les Inuit de Kingait et de Kangiyiak.

    Filmmaker: John Feeney

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    uploaded date: 01-06-2010

  • 2m 49s


    uploaded by: NFB

    canal: The National Film Board of Canada

    Synopsis: Trapper is a beautiful short film capturing the quiet dignity of a day in the life of a Northern trapper.

    Trappeur est un magnifique court métrage qui saisit la dignité tranquille d'une journée dans la vie d'un trappeur du Nord.

    Filmmaker: Shannon Letandre

    Contact: National Film Board of Canada and APTN/L'Office national du film du Canada et APTN

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    uploaded date: 29-04-2010

  • 2m 37s


    uploaded by: NFB

    canal: The National Film Board of Canada

    Synopsis: Inuit filmmaker Jobie Weetaluktuk mixes archival and new footage to make a statement about the appropriation of his culture throughout history.

    Le cinéaste inuit Jobie Weetaluktuk combine séquences d'archives et nouvelles images pour prendre position sur les différentes formes d'appropriation de sa culture au cours de l'histoire.

    Filmmaker: Jobie Weetaluktuk

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    uploaded date: 29-04-2010