

Imagen de DonaldMorin
July 17, 2024. Tansi? Comme Ca Va? Nee Hoe ma? I hope all are well, Looking for work projects, working on my own personal work and growth, and enjoying each day . take care, be good and do what you can to make this a better world :-) Apologies to all for my lack in uploading, writing or anything outside of the papers I uploaded. Trying times for all. Do the best you can. Recovering from hit & run accident. The accident has changed my life's direction re music as it affected my memory, concentration and dexterity , so changing my minor at university, staying avec major drama. God bless you all in these prophetic times. June 9, 2022 Eagle Feathers Film & Music Manufacturing Corporation remembers Issaac Lee Kootenay. Sincere condolences to the family. Good Morning Heavenly Father, thank you for another day Grant us strength to help others . All that is of your muse, who created everything and the portals to all that is, was and is to be”.See more


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