Film, Video, Media transference and Convergence, From Analogue to Digital to Podcasts: Notes for You

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17 abril 2010


Tools to Create, dissect, analysis, deconstruct and re-create.

A Site for Donald Morin to share his filmmaking experience as a student artist, filmmaker, performer, and Teacher.

Introduction PDF file is  a short narrative on his experiences as a young filmmaker switching from 16mm film to desktop video then to digital media; plus  his paper  presented and published Internationally 2004, CV and other meanderings :-)


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2023, Mr. Morin finished studying Music, Drama, and INdigenous Studies. His As A Koden Talking Story Who Is Your Name is complete and ready for production . His number one music site is hitting 1 3800 daily. Today total plays are at 4,256,560, Profile Views: 5,288,831
His music original works range from 1981 to 2020, so it shows a progression of his songs from his 20s to 60s. Voice has changed over the years, and he was insecure about his voice for years due to the racism of society. He started digitizing the songs a few years ago, and now with better technology, processing them and getting them online for all to listen to. Most of these songs on numberone music site are also on the Reverbnation site, and Soundcloud. He is currently available for work in all areas of performance and production. Darryl Mork is his agent.


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