What will happen now?
Last week was amazing. Women from different communities met in Iqaluit and share stories that will give you chills, make you laugh and empower you. They had different visions, interests, opinions and belonged to different political groups. We recorded about 50 stories you will find them here on the blog.
One thing those women had in common was the will to share their stories and to talk to each other, to break the isolation.
As a media activist, a filmaker and now a blogger, this experience was very inspiring; we wanted the voices of these women to reach you directly: we asked them to talk in front of the camera and share their message. In a territory without too many media outlets, this experience is thrilling; here no media shushhhing, no political shushhhing, you can hear what they have to say! And you can comment too; please do!
This only can make us dream; if the territory had the internet capacities that we have in the South, it would also have a powerful tool to solve its problems and celebrate its vitality. Can you imagine the day where people can actually talk and listen to one another from community to community directly and publicly? This is what we tried to do here. If we could we would have gone directly in every community and install a system where the women would have been able to participate by asking questions "live" to their sisters in Iqaluit.
For now, we hope you will use this blog to keep the energy of last week flowing! Qujannammiik!