Networks is a web-based platform to help you express ideas, explore resources and projects, and network with other inspirational Aboriginal youth. Culture, Identity & Climate Change: Issue 3 of TIG Magazine is now available!

Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER) is a First Nation-directed environmental non-profit organisation with charitable status. We were established in 1994 by a group of First Nation Chiefs from across Canada. Through our programs, we take action on climate change, build sustainable communities, protect lands and waters, and conserve biodiversity

Indigenous Environmental Network empowers Indigenous Nations and communities towards sustainable livelihoods, demanding environmental justice and maintaining the Sacred Fire of our traditions."

The First Nations Environmental Network is a circle of First Nations people committed to protecting, defending, and restoring the balance of all life by honouring traditional Indigenous values and the path of our ancestors. We encourage the work of protecting, defending and healing Mother Earth. We desire and need to link grassroots Indigenous people nationally and internationally to support each other on environmental struggles and concerns. We are obligated to leave footprints for our children to follow by striving to live our life with traditional values.

The Haudenosaunee Environmental Task Force is composed of leaders, environmental technicians, and scientists chosen by each of the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Nations and was formed after the 1992 Earth Summit. It is committed to identifying environmental problems in the communities and working to find solutions to them in accordance with the Kaianserakowa (Great Law of Peace).

Acerca de

21 enero 2009


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