Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum Overview

Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum is a multi-media unit of instruction designed to teach students grades 4-6 about the Inuit, the native people of the Canadian Arctic, and Nunavut, the newest territory in Canada established in 1999. This curriculum is unique not only because of the subject matter, but because it explores a native culture through its own eyes, as opposed to through the eyes of outsiders.

Lesson plans aligned to elementary curricula are based on five DVDs and a music CD from the Igloolik Isuma Productions media collection. Following a 100-page curriculum guide written and field-tested by elementary school teachers, teachers and students explore the richness of Inuit culture and unique Canadian Arctic from an Inuit point of view.

Some of the lessons and educational documentaries are available online as part of the Exploring Inuit Culture ONLINE. The complete Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum includes all items listed below and is available for purchase details at http://www.isuma.ca/buy or to order, please contact wandav@vtape.org.

1. EICC Teacher Resource Guide

  • 20 lesson plans on Inuit culture and life in the Canadian Arctic
  • Detailed maps of Canada and Nunavut
  • Access to SILA, an interactive website on Inuit culture
  • Nunavut Facts at a Glance
  • Exploring Inuit Culture – Word Search

2. Isuma. Teacher's Resource Guide by Deirdre Kessler

  • The Inuit way of doing things
  • Subject areas of Inuit life and culture

3. Isuma Inuit Studies Reader, a collection of historical and modern readings introducing students to the Inuit of the Arctic.

4. Four films on DVD, part of the Isuma Classics Video Collection:

  • Qimuksik (Dog Team), 28 minutes
  • Aiviaq (Walrus Hunt), 28 minutes
  • Nanugiurutiga (My First Polar Bear), 48 minutes
  • Artcirq (Circus School), 50 minutes

5. Unakuluk (Dear Little One), from Arnait Video Production, a documentary which takes an intimate look at the common Inuit practice of adopting a child from a relative, friend or acquaintance, 46 minutes.

6. Unikkaat Sivunittinnit (Messages from the Past), recording of traditional Inuit ajaja songs by Igloolik Island performers and drummers, 50 minutes.


EICC Overview

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15 junio 2009


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      uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

      canal: Exploring Inuit Culture Online

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      uploaded date: 15-06-2009

    • My Community vs. Nunavut Lesson

      uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

      canal: Exploring Inuit Culture Online

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      uploaded date: 15-06-2009

    • My First Polar Bear Lesson (Nanugiurutiga)

      uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

      canal: Exploring Inuit Culture Online

      Prior to watching Nanugiurutiga (My First Polar Bear), students will review the significance of hunting in the Inuit culture. Students will also complete a KWL Chart about polar bears, filling in teacher provided facts about this Arctic animal. Students will discuss the two threats to the survival of the polar bear: hunting and global warming.… Leer más

      uploaded date: 15-06-2009

    • Dog Team Lesson (Qimuksik)

      uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

      canal: Exploring Inuit Culture Online

      Prior to watching Qimuksik (Dog Team), students will complete a KWL Chart and will learn general information about Nunavut and the Inuit. Following the film, students will revisit their chart, adding any information they learned during the lesson. Students will then reflect on the film and illustrate a scene that they recall, complete with a brief description.

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      uploaded date: 15-06-2009

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      IQ Part 2

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      canal: EICC

      A video of a lesson using the ‘Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum’ of Isuma. Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, the EICC is a multi-media unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut.… Leer más

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    • 10m 59s

      IQ Part I

      uploaded by: Rosa Flynn

      canal: EICC

      A video of a lesson using the ‘Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum’ of Isuma. Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, the EICC is a multi-media unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut.… Leer más

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    • 38m 58s

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      uploaded by: Rosa Flynn

      canal: EICC

      A video of a lesson using the ‘Exploring Inuit Culture Curriculum’ of Isuma. Bringing Inuit culture into primary schools for the International Polar Year, the EICC is a multi-media unit for grades 4-6 about Inuit culture, the Arctic and Canada’s newest territory, Nunavut.… Leer más

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