Unnukkut Ep 1C - Update Rabies, B Oosuaq, Bernie Haqpi _March 1991
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Program name: Unnukkut
Unnukkut was a current events program for a general audience produced in Baker Lake. It features interviews with politicians and other current events items and stories in Nunavut.
Producer: John Tapatai, Simeon Mikkungwak and Victor Qilulaaq – Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
Host: Simeon Mikkungwak
Camera: Simeon
Location: Baker Lake
Segment 1: Banabas Oosuaq tells a story about an unusual caribou he caught that looked different. He got sick from it and was sent down to Winnipeg for medical attention. He believed that the caribou was some sort of spiritual being, which made him sick, and he believed that no one was supposed to eat from it.
Segment 2: Interview with Wildlife Officer, Raymond Barkatt about rabies. Rabies are usually transmitted through the saliva from one rabid animal to another animal. Always protect your doges – make sure their shots are up-to-date to prevent them from getting rabies.
Segment 3: Berny Haqpik plays piano keyboards.
The Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, established in Canada's territory of Nunavut, has been producing Inuit language video, by, for and about Inuit since 1981. This video is from their collection and has been made available on the Internet for your enjoyment through funding provided by the Government of Canada and the Government of Nunavut.