
IsumaTV Playlist Live from Igloolik in the Canadian Arctic 4nGn3MXMtV.sdp 17 rtmp:// rtmp Siila Watt-Cloutier's Lecture delivered on May 2009 in Iqaluit siila.flv 18 rtmp:// rtmp Live from Igloolik in the Canadian Arctic 4nGn3MXMtV.sdp 19 rtmp:// rtmp COP15's Indigenous voices on climate change film festival | Hour 1 ivccff1.flv 20 rtmp:// rtmp COP15's Indigenous voices on climate change film festival | Hour 2 ivccff2.flv 21 rtmp:// rtmp Siila Watt-Cloutier's Lecture delivered on May 2009 in Iqaluit siila.flv 22 rtmp:// rtmp A compilation of shorts, documentary and fiction on climate change broadcast.flv 23 rtmp:// rtmp COP15's Indigenous voices on climate change film festival | Hour 3 ivccff3.flv 0 rtmp:// rtmp Live from Igloolik in the Canadian Arctic 4nGn3MXMtV.sdp 1 rtmp:// rtmp Live from Igloolik in the Canadian Arctic 4nGn3MXMtV.sdp 2 rtmp:// rtmp

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08 diciembre 2009