Inuit in Canada From Dog Teams to the Internet; Resiliency and Change

Inuit in Canada From Dog Teams to the Internet; Resiliency and Change

Sunburst Consulting is pleased to offer several one day Inuit in Canada awareness courses:
Inuit in Canada From Dog Teams to the Internet; Resiliency and Change
This course is a comprehensive introduction on the Inuit in Canada. .
This one day course is designed to bridge cultural differences and
facilitate awareness and a deeper understanding about Inuit in Canada. 
The course was designed and is delivered by Inuit. With personal stories
and lived experiences of the north and our Inuit communities. We engage
in meaningful dialogue with our participants.     
We attempt to illuminate the Inuit perspectives and getting beyond the
statistics to talk about what they mean to Inuit. This is a great course for
policy and program delivery people, researchers, organizations and
companies that are committed to working in collaboration with Inuit. 
The main facilitator is Dr. Peter Irniq, a renowned Inuit cultural teacher
and considered by many as a Cultural Ambassador for his devotion to
teaching others about Inuit Culture.
Co-Facilitator is Kowesa Etitiq; He is one of the owners of Sunburst
Consulting and has extensive experience in policy development and
Sunburst Consulting feels that by bringing Peter and Kowesa together to
deliver the One Day Inuit in Canada Course that we give a well rounded
and comprehensive course that is meant to bridge the cultural gap
between Inuit and non-Inuit. And by presenting current socio-economic
indicators from an Inuit perspective we feel that we go beyond the
numbers and the statistics to look at the impact and implications for
The one day course encompasses the areas below:

Political structures
Inuit perspectives on Health
Food Security/Income
Inuit Qaujimajatugangnit (Inuit Traditional Knowledge)
Social Etiquette and Communication
Climate Change
Where: 220 Laurier Ave W, 14th floor NAHO boardroom
When: 9:00 4:00 P.M.
February Dates: Feb 23 and Feb 27
March Dates: Mar 23 Mar 27 and Mar 30. 
Registration or for more information:
or call (613) 327-0245
Cost: $500.00 per person, plus GST
Minimum 8 participants*
The Facilitators biographies:  
Dr. Peter Irniq
Peter Irniq is part of the last generation of Inuit that lived the traditional
Inuit lifestyle before their was southern style stick built dwellings or
permanent communities; he was born in an Igloo outside of Naujaat,
Nunavut (on the Arctic Circle)
Reading Peters’ resume is like reading about modern Inuit history, he
has been part of the transition of Inuit into the modern world in all its
stages.  With a career that spans four decades, Peter has been involved
in representing Inuit interests both through his employment and as an
elected official with the territorial government and Inuit organizations. He
was one of the first Inuit government ministers and the first Inuk within
the senior management of the NWT and Nunavut governments. He was a
key player towards the creation of Nunavut from its earliest beginnings to
the implementation and then to being appointed the Commissioner of
Nunavut from 2000-2005.  He has been advocating for Inuit for most of
his adult life.
Peter is currently a cultural consultant providing advice to governments,
Inuit organizations and academia. He is a much sought after speaker
and teacher, he is invited often to speak and make presentations on
various topics from cultural competency to climate change and
traditional knowledge (Inuit Qaujimajatugangit) from an Inuit perspective
and world view.  Peter is involved in many projects that require an in-
depth knowledge about Inuit culture and society.   He enjoys traditional
activities such as hunting and camping and he is also a traditional Inuit
Kowesa Etitiq: Sunburst Consulting 
Kowesa Etitiq is originally from Iqaluit, Nunavut is one of the owners of
Sunburst Consulting which specializes in providing cultural competency
training and awareness to governments, Inuit organizations and private
companies. He also coordinates cultural events and booking of Inuit
talent. Another area that he enjoys working in is with Inuit organizations
to develop funding proposals, designing programming and sustainability
Prior to working as a private contractor he was employed with different
Inuit organizations as a policy advisor for many years. His work history
has been primarily with land claimant groups such as Nunavut
Tunngavik Inc and National Aboriginal Organizations such as Inuit
Tapiriit Kanatami and Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada.
He lives at his farm house in Navan, ON with his common law wife, Paani
and their three children, Nicole, Irniq and Lucassie.
For more information please contact us at:
PH: 613-835-9941
(C) 613-327-0245

Acerca de

12 febrero 2009