Apak character outline

My father is Aua, a great and powerful shaman, and I too have the power to call spirits. My father and I argue and he thinks I waste this power, for I use it only to spend time with my dead husband. My first sweetheart, Nuqallaq, was kicked out of camp when I was a teenager, and I soon fell in love and married. But my new husband was murdered when a visiting Netsilik came to camp and wanted me for himself. My family demanded that his family give me a new husband, and that is how I came to marry Taparte, a man I do not respect or love. My father wants me to be warmer to him, but how can I? When the white men came to camp, I had no interest in the two called Freuchen and Rasmussen. The shy one, Therkel Mathiassen, was quiet, and I noticed him watching me. One day, as I was walking with my baby, he shared a meal of meat and salt with me. He was very kind, and I told him my worries, for I have broken many taboos. Sometimes, we can see things coming, and still we can do nothing to stop them.

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