
  • 1m 15s


    uploaded by: babeltimer

    canal: babeltimer

    Del fuego


    Fredy Chikangana, Colombia (1964 - )


    Música Coca Kint´u canción tradicional peruana

    Ilustraciones Buena crónica y Buen gobierno (1615)

    El triunfo de Baco, Diego Velásquez


    2014.  Fernando Giraldo Alarcón


    1minuto 20 segundos

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    uploaded date: 08-10-2014

  • Conversations with the Earth

    uploaded by: Nick Lunch

    Conversations with the Earth (CWE) is an indigenous-led multimedia collaboration that uses professional storytelling and high-impact exhibits to amplify urgent indigenous voices in the global discourse on climate change.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 24-11-2009