A storybook about a man named Peter. He wrote a letter about places where there are a lot of animals. He gave the letter to his son, Elijah, so that he would know where there are animals when he becomes old enough to hunt by himself. Piita titiraqtuminiq nami uumajuqarmangaaq nunami irnninganuuqtuniuk Elijamut imminik uumajurasugunnaqsiguni atulaarmagu.
Kootookoolook Alainga reads a book to Johnny called "Qanuigajaqpakiaq" about what would happen or how would it be if animals had different body parts. Kuutuukuluk Alainga uqalimaaqtillugu Jaanimut "Qanuigajaqpakiaq"mit uqalimaagarmit. Uumajuit timigingitanginnik timiqarniqqata.
Mary Ineak talks about having pets with Tooneejoulee Kootoo and Mialia Shiutiaapik. With Tulu, the puppet, they listen to an old story about having pets. Miali Inia nilliaqatiqatillugu uumajuqutiqarniu missaanut. Ammalu Tulu unikkaaqtuami naalaqatiqaqtillugu Tunijuli Kuutuumik ammalu Mialia Siutiapimmik uumajuqutiqarniu missaanut.
Amaudla tells a story to Aatami about a puppy that ran away for a while and hung around with a polar bear. Amaudla unikkaaqtuaqtillugu Aatamimut qimmilaaq qimmauqajuviniup missaanut, nanurmik piqatiqalirnirami.
Ataatatsiaq and puppets adopt a stray dog that hasn’t been well taken care of. Celestine Erkidjuk talks about how dogs are different and how many dogs you need in order to have a dog team. Attaaqtatsiaq ammalu Anirniq qimmitaaqtillugit kamagijauttingitumi maaniqqijumik.… Leer más
Program name: Unnukkut Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation Host: Peter Tapatai
Segment 1: In 1992, Joe Tigulagaq, a wildlife officer in Baker Lake, talks about and shows different kinds of traps that are approved for use by trappers.
Hunting and Trapping Lifestyle (Basic Hunting Skills) Producer: Arviat – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation Host: David Owingayak
Segment 1: Peter Komak from the Arviat area talks about how it was before contact with outsiders. He tells about hunting and what uses the animals had to the whole community or group. He also talks about survival skills.
Overwintering in Antarctica, the research anf film crew of sailboat Sedna IV, will be stuck in the ice. Here is a clip showing which animals will stay around the ship for the whole winter.
Program name: Takuyaksat Takuyaksat was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing, and legends. Producer: Victor Qilulaaq and Michael Haqpik - Baker Lake - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation Host: Semi Nukiruaq Camera: Simeon Mikkungwak and Samuel Iqqilik Location: Baker Lake