Jimmy Haniliak shot a Grizzly Bear (AKHAK) just outside Cambridge Bay on August 6, 2013. In this video he talks about why he shot it, bear behaviour, and the increasing population of bears around Ikaluktutiak.
Runs 16mins 34secs
Camera by Presley Taylor, Interviewer was Aatii Evaloarjuk, Editing by John Main
According to the original telling of the Anishaanabek, the first council of spirits was held Center-of-Earth, and it was called by the Upper-Air Spirits to ask assistance of the Under-Earth Spirits in saving a strange, unfurred group of animals. … Leer más
ᓂᐲᑦ ᐃᓄᒃᑎᑐᑦ The day Natalino caught a bear at Igloolik point, 9:13 Inuktitut, Thursday morning, December 15, 2011, shot with an iPod by Zacharias Kunuk, editor Carol Kunnuk.
This video has been "age-restricted" on YouTube. But is available here for all to see!