In the documentary film Inuit Cree Reconciliation (Inuit Adlait Isumagijuniqatiginiiq), Zacharias Kunuk and Neil Diamond team up to research the events and historical impacts of a 1770's war between Inuit a… Leer más
Zacharias Kunuk talks about using iPods to film -- and what he thought of the project of children using iPods as a way of sharing, creating art and exchaging with other children from other cultures.
Zacharias Kunuk talks about using iPods to film -- and what he thought of the project of children using iPods as a way of sharing, creating art and exchaging with other children from other cultures.
Ceremony, Inuit leader extends his people's forgiveness to the Cree community, accepting their apology, and inviting both People to travel down a new and better road together… Leer más
This channel is a compilation of videos, articles, and photos documenting Idle No More activities. Idle No More is an ongoing movement of among aboriginal peoples and their non-aboriginal supporters across the world. The movement has inspired protests in towns and cities across Canada, the US, and other countries.… Leer más