
  • 21m 51s

    BL-496 Sewing Centre

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC


    Sewing Centre in Baker Lake


    Program name: Takuyaksat
    Takuyaksat was a Baker Lake production involving cultural activities, storytelling, hunting, sewing, and legends.
    Producer: Baker Lake - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: William Noah
    Location: Baker Lake

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    uploaded date: 07-05-2015

  • 19m 52s

    IBC Baker Lake 263, Keewatin Fashion Show

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC

    IBC Baker Lake 263, Keewatin Fashion Show, Inuit Broadcasting Corporation, Baker Lake. Inuktitut no subtitles.

    Segment 1: Women model and describe Keewatin (Kivalliq) style, traditional amautis (baby carriers). There is some ajaaja singing.

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    uploaded date: 06-05-2015