
  • 28m 55s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 3

    Program name: Takuyaksat – (To See): This program features information and current affairs along with entertainment stories from Baker Lake and the surrounding area. Stories include profiles on the passing of elders, fishing and dog teaming. “Super Shamou” a truly northern and Inuk super hero is featured on this show.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 21-09-2020

  • 28m 54s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 3

    Program name: Qimaivvik – was an Igloolik cultural show including storytelling, hunting and sewing techniques, legends, language, igloo building, etc.
    Producer: Baker Lake Inuit Broadcasting
    Host: Hugh Haqpi

    Segment 1: Two Baker Lake women remember the hard times and when shamans practiced their spirituality.

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    uploaded date: 11-03-2020

  • 28m 50s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC

    Program: Kippinguijautiit (Things to Pass Time By): This show entertains the audience with funny and interesting stories on traditional and contemporary Inuit way of life. Kippingujautiit features northern musical talent and coverage of games and special events. Kippinguijautiit was the most popular Inuktitut language program from the audience survey conducted in 1992.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 10-01-2019

  • 14m 36s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC


    Producer: Inuit Tapirisat of Canada Inukshuk (Project) and Nunatsiakmiut
Host: Joanasie Salamonie
    Inuktitut with English overdub.

    Segment 1: A short documentary about inukshuks.

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    uploaded date: 02-02-2018

  • 28m 58s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC Misc

    Program name: Takujuminaqtut / Takuyuminaqtut
    Producer: Rankin Inlet – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Leo Subgut

    Segment 1: The Hamlet Council of Rankin Inlet opens its newly renovated Hamlet office. Members of the community come to celebrate the occasion.

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    uploaded date: 20-01-2017

  • 6m 9s

    73-07183OT-Takuginai-house cleaning

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: Takuginai Educator Series

    Matu is carving an inukshuk. He says he's too old now to carve more than one inukshuk in a day. He finishes the carving and he realizes that his house is a mess. He thinks about calling Anirniq to come and clean his place because he thinks he's too old to clean it himself. Jaaji walks in the door and sees all the mess. He offers to help Matu clean.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 29-03-2016

  • 28m 54s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Vintage Rankin Inlet production
    Producer: Arviat – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Charlie Panigoniak
    Segment 1: A caribou calf fetus with three legs.
    Segment 2: Elder Peter Koomak describes the meaning of inukshuks.
    Segment 3: Elder Matalie Uuniq talks about her life.
    Segment 4: An Arviat Elder talks about ice formation.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 05-02-2016

  • 31m 15s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Program name: Qimaivvik
    Qimaivvik was a cultural show produced in Baker Lake or Igloolik, but included segments from all of IBC’s centres. Topics included: storytelling, hunting and sewing techniques, legends, language, and other traditional practices such as igloo building, etc.
    Producer: Baker Lake – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Michael Haqpi

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    uploaded date: 14-01-2016

  • 28m 57s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Program name: Qiqqiqtaukkut
    Producer: Igloolik – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation

    Segment 1: Paul Qulittalik talks about stone / sod houses from the past. He gives detailed information on how they were structured. He is on site where there are a variety of different dwelling places from the past.

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    uploaded date: 14-01-2016

  • 1h 1m 54s


    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Hunting and Trapping Lifestyle
    (Basic Hunting Skills)
    Producer: Arviat – Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: David Owingayak

    Segment 1: Peter Komak from the Arviat area talks about how it was before contact with outsiders. He tells about hunting and what uses the animals had to the whole community or group. He also talks about survival skills.

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    uploaded date: 14-01-2016