
  • 18m 9s

    dancing on john wayne's head

    uploaded by: IndigenousResist

    canal: IndigenousResist

    this documentary examines the connection between black and indigenous peoples in the Americas.wih interviews with the reggae loving Havasupai to the black indian coca farmers in the yungas in bolivia.with a narrative set completely against dub influenced music.

    Filmmaker: dub

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    uploaded date: 16-10-2008

  • 3m 10s

    sacred power :indigenous resistance

    uploaded by: IsumaTV

    canal: imagineNATIVE08

    the soundtrack is by indigenous resistance featuing dr das ,jimmy dick,tohuno (solomon islands) photos are by baadziis & was edited by kwan .this video adresses the importance of respecting and returning to the land.The video and music is a collaboration that connects individuals in various continents of the world.

    Filmmaker: mapuchedub& fourthworld dub

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    uploaded date: 12-10-2008