10m 57s Kelly Fraser Interview PART 1 uploaded by: Carol Kunnuk canal: Igloolik Bands and Rockin Walrus Arts Festival Interview with Kelly Fraser in July 3013at the Rockin Walrus Arts Festival in Igloolik (Nunavut)… Leer más
3m 49s Rockin Walrus Arts Festival 2013 P3 uploaded by: Carol Kunnuk canal: Igloolik Bands and Rockin Walrus Arts Festival Kelly Freaser singing Gangdam style!At the Rockin Walrus Arts Festival July 2013 … Leer más
6m 26s Rockin Walrus Arts Festival 2013 P2 uploaded by: Carol Kunnuk canal: Igloolik Bands and Rockin Walrus Arts Festival Song from David Haulli sang by different bands from Igloolik, on the last day of the festival, July 7 2013.Camera: Jon Frantz and Zackarias Kunuk… Leer más
6m 54s Rockin Walrus Arts Festival 2013 P1 uploaded by: Carol Kunnuk canal: Igloolik Bands and Rockin Walrus Arts Festival On the last day of the festival all the artists performed!July 7 2013… Leer más