
  • 30m 4s

    RIDS-Nepal Informational Video in English

    uploaded by: clairelittoncohn

    canal: RIDS Nepal

    Synopsis:Informational video about the RIDS-Nepal project and the "Family of Four": clean water, pit latrines, smokeless stove, and indoor lighting.


    Contact:Alex Zahnd -


    Year of Production:2010

    Distributor Information:


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    uploaded date: 22-04-2010

  • RIDS Nepal

    uploaded by: clairelittoncohn

    Tonight, at the Rotaract meeting I went to, I discovered RIDS-Nepal.  They're a nonprofit group that's trying to bring what they call the "Family of Four" to poor Nepali towns: clean water, latrines, smokeless stoves, and indoor lighting.  They've developed and implemented designs for solar hot water heating to increase bathing and get rid of scabies; the… Leer más

    uploaded date: 21-04-2010