
  • 4m 35s

    Igloolik's Experience Preview

    uploaded by: nbrusch

    canal: DIAMA

    IsumaTV traveled to Igloolik, Nunavut (Canada) to test out IsumaTV, DIAMA and the new Inuit Culture Education site. We installed two servers in both, the Elementary and High School, to allow teachers and students to access the website at high-speed and interact with it. … Leer más

    uploaded date: 19-03-2010

  • 40m 14s

    Kiviuq Returns: Theatre Show

    uploaded by: Pudjuk

    canal: Pudjuk

     3 actors from Kiviuq Returns came to Cambridge Bay to put on a theatre show for the community on Kiviuq Returns, they had a three day training with some of the students from Kullik Ilihakvik school to take part in the show and showed the community in the evening on their last day before leaving to another community.

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    uploaded date: 15-03-2018

  • 1m 51s

    Less. More. Global Dignity 2014

    uploaded by: ARVIATTV

    canal: Global Dignity Canada

    Our youth are being exposed to millions of pieces of content online. Unfortunately, not all of that content is positive. Global Dignity is working to change that encouraging youth to engage in our digital world in a more dignified way.

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    uploaded date: 27-09-2014

  • Global Dignity Canada

    uploaded by: ARVIATTV


    On October 15, 2014, role models from across the country and around the world – including parents, educators, athletes, Senators, former and current Members of Parliament as well as international business and thought leaders – join thousands of volunteers to make the day possible.

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    uploaded date: 20-05-2014

  • Wilderness Experience

    uploaded by:

    Wilderness Experience is an outdoor and experiential education program focusing on aboriginal studies, environmental science and resource management. Educator David Spencer manages this channel on

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    uploaded date: 19-07-2010

  • 10m 36s

    Sean Broderick

    uploaded by: nbrusch

    canal: DIAMA

    Sean Broderick is a Grade 11 teacher at Ataguttaaluk High School. He talks about his experience working in Igloolik, the issues facing educators in the North and the uses of IsumaTV in the classroom.

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    uploaded date: 31-03-2010

  • 19m 16s

    Patricia Tidd, Grade 9 Teacher

    uploaded by: nbrusch

    canal: DIAMA

    Patricia Tidd, Grade 9 Teacher at the Ataguttaaluk High School in Igloolik, Nunavut shares her experience. She talks about the challenges of teaching in Igloolik grade 9, the activities that have worked for her with the students and how IsumaTV and the Inuit Culture Education can be helpful for her and her students.

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    uploaded date: 31-03-2010

  • 10m 36s

    Vincent Pickett, Igloolik's High School Principal

    uploaded by: nbrusch

    canal: DIAMA

    Vincent Pickett, Igloolik's High School Principal, talks about his experience in the Inuit communities of the Canadian Arctic as a teacher and as a principal. He also talks about how the educational materials offered through IsumaTV can be helpful and how the teachers can use them for their classes.

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    uploaded date: 31-03-2010

  • 11m 51s

    Daniel's Class, Grade 11

    uploaded by: nbrusch

    canal: DIAMA

    The Social Studies class at 11th grade learned about Residential Schools and watch one of the testimonies at the Inuit Culture Education area. Students came up with some questions about the subject and were given each one an ipod so that they could interview people around the school.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 31-03-2010