Ukiuqtaqtuq (Arctic)

  • 30m 53s

    00685IQ+Qag-85-##-Inuk Parks

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Program name: Qaggiq
    Qaggiq (Gathering Place) was a current affairs program (refers to a large igloo built for the gathering of several families).
    Producer: Iqaluit - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Elisapi Davidee

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    uploaded date: 11-01-2016

  • 28m 54s

    00684IQ+Kipp-97-##-Inuk kippingujautit Master

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Kippinguijautiit (Things to Pass Time By): 
This program entertains the audience with funny and interesting stories on traditional and contemporary Inuit way of life. Kippinguijautiit features northern musical talent and coverage of games and special events. Kippinguijautiit was the most popular Inuktitut language program from the audience survey conducted in 1992.… Leer más

    uploaded date: 11-01-2016

  • 29m 21s

    00683IQ+Iqa-89-02-Inuk Ohaknaak

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Producer: Cambridge Bay - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Location: Cambridge Bay
    Host: Sarah Green

    Segment 1: The Kitikmeot School District meets about the use of the Alberta Curriculum within the region.

    Segment 2: Moses Putuguk is interviewed regarding his upbringing near Cambridge Bay.

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    uploaded date: 11-01-2016

  • 39m 8s

    Inukshuk Broadcasting System Grand Opening

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Producer: Inukshuk Project - Inuit Tapirisat of Canada (ITC)

    Location: Igloolik
    Segment 1: The Inukshuk Broadcasting System’s grand opening in Igloolik with discussions on its importance as a medium for the Inuit in the Arctic.

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    uploaded date: 11-01-2016

  • 28m 51s

    00076RI+##-86-##-Inuk Christmas Concert

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Host: Charlie PaniguniaqCamera: Charlie Paniguniaq
    Location: Rankin Inlet

    Segment 1: Christmas songs and hymns are sung in a church in both Inuktitut and English in Rankin Inlet.

    Segment 2: Joan Atuat from Rankin Inlet tells stories of her past experiences.

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    uploaded date: 11-01-2016

  • 28m 54s

    Walk from Chuchill

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Producer: Arviat - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Charlie Paniguniaq
    Camera: Charlie Paniguniaq, Michael Angalik, Allen Robyn
    Location: Kuujjuaq, Arviat

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    uploaded date: 11-01-2016

  • 28m 53s

    00074RI+##-85-##-Inuk Beluga Netting

    uploaded by: IBC admin

    canal: IBC 2

    Producer: Arviat - Inuit Broadcasting Corporation
    Host: Charlie Paniguniaq
    Location: Arviat

    Segment 1: In 1985, hunters go out in canoes to check on their nets which are designed specifically for catching beluga whales. They find a whale in their net and shoot it.

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    uploaded date: 11-01-2016