
  • 2m 36s

    Planos Sublimes

    uploaded by: César Cáceres Rojas X

    canal: César Cáceres Rojas

    Planos Sublimes
    "La existencia de la realidad es la cosa más misteriosa, más sublime y más surrealista que se dé."
    Salvador Dalí
    Realización y fotografía:
    César Cáceres Rojas

    23 de septiembre del 2020
    Quito - Ecuador

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    uploaded date: 06-10-2020

  • 7m 27s

    Yasuní, la cuenta regresiva

    uploaded by: Action Créative

    canal: ActionCréative-Reportages

    Producción del Vídeo: César Cáceres Rojas
    Con el aporte cultural de: Action Créative 2011
    Estimados: Amigas, amigos, hermanas, hermanos, habitantes de la tierra, este es un llamado a SALVAR y CONSERVAR la vida. El Yasuní, ubicado en la Amazonía Ecuatoriana, es la reserva natural con mayor biodiversidad en el mundo. … Leer más

    uploaded date: 20-06-2011

  • 26m 55s

    In the open sky Part 2

    uploaded by: pocho

    canal: Pocho Alvarez

    "We may be ignorant people, but, excuse the term - it is not that I'd like to offend the government - he is the ignorant one who doesn't know what he is doing. 'Cause if he knew, he would've said 'no' to indiscriminate large-scale open-pit mining. He would have said 'No, let's go for other life alternatives!"

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 20-10-2010

  • 29m

    In the open sky Part 4

    uploaded by: pocho

    canal: Pocho Alvarez

    "We may be ignorant people, but, excuse the term - it is not that I'd like to offend the government - he is the ignorant one who doesn't know what he is doing. 'Cause if he knew, he would've said 'no' to indiscriminate large-scale open-pit mining. He would have said 'No, let's go for other life alternatives!"

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 20-10-2010

  • 26m 25s

    In the open sky Part 1

    uploaded by: pocho

    canal: Pocho Alvarez

    "We may be ignorant people, but, excuse the term - it is not that I'd like to offend the government - he is the ignorant one who doesn't know what he is doing. 'Cause if he knew, he would've said 'no' to indiscriminate large-scale open-pit mining. He would have said 'No, let's go for other life alternatives!"

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 20-10-2010

  • 25m 18s

    In the open sky Part 3

    uploaded by: pocho

    canal: Pocho Alvarez

    "We may be ignorant people, but, excuse the term - it is not that I'd like to offend the government - he is the ignorant one who doesn't know what he is doing. 'Cause if he knew, he would've said 'no' to indiscriminate large-scale open-pit mining. He would have said 'No, let's go for other life alternatives!"

    Leer más

    uploaded date: 20-10-2010

  • Antes del Festival

    uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez

    canal: IsumaTV Ecuador

    ---English follows---

    La noche antes del Festival los organizadores y los participantes nos reunimos para presentarnos y empezarnos a preparar para las actividades que comenzarían al día siguiente.


    A night before the Festival started, the organizers and the participants got together to get ready for the next day activities' and to introduce ourselves.

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    uploaded date: 05-10-2010

  • 47s

    Promocion X Festival

    uploaded by: FICWALLMAPU-CLACPI Chile

    canal: CLACPI

    Synopsis: X Festival Internacional de Cine y Video de los Pueblos Indígenas




    Year of Production:2010

    Distributor Information:


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    uploaded date: 13-08-2010