Inuit and Cree children use new media tools through a multidisciplinary artistic process to explore their past and present realities, connect with others, practice collective action and create a better future.
<?php echo t('ARTCO "Artisans of Today\'s Communities" is a project led by Kingulliit Productions and IsumaTV where Inuit and Cree children use new media tools to explore their past and present realities, practice collective action and create a better future.') ?>
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Children, teachers and community organizers learn how to use video as a tool to expand attention and for storytelling. Using this video technique, Cree and Inuit children explore their daily practices.
The Mary River Mine developed by Baffinland Iron Mine Corporation is a massive and unprecedented mining development for Nunavut (and the Arctic region in general). On the one hand, it represents a major opportunity for potential benefits to workers and their families, to Inuit communities and designated Inuit organizations, as well as to the territorial and federal governments.… Leer más
The regional indigenous movement of the 1990s in Bolivia sets the stage for the country’s first indigenous feature film. Communities in lowland Beni are shattered by violence meted out by illegal loggers. Their defense of their lives and lands culminates in protests that change the political landscape of Bolivia forever.
The IsumaTV First Online Film Festival brought international and remote viewers an exciting and engaging online program of indigenous feature films, documentaries and shorts.
The assessment of the human rights situation for the Mary River mine begins with a review of how government protects human rights in Canada. According to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, governments must protect against human rights abuse within their territory, including by companies.… Leer más
Book screenings, rent or buy copies of Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change from our distributor Vtape. Contact Wanda at +1.416.351.1317 or email
GLOBAL $user;
if ((!in_array('webmaster', $user->roles)) AND ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == '/persistent/www/isumatv/index.php')) {
?>… Leer más
The Mary River Mine is a massive and unprecedented mining development for Nunavut (and the Arctic region in general). On the one hand, it represents a major opportunity for potential benefits to workers and their families, to Inuit communities and designated Inuit organizations, as well as to the territorial and federal governments.… Leer más
The Mary River mine is not the first mine to developed in Nunavut, nor will it be the last. Mining projects in Nunavut are becoming increasingly feasible from a technological and economic point of view. Climate change will make mining and resource development more attractive and accessible.… Leer más
Additional Voices on Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change are being uploaded every day to the channel Some in Inuktitut, others in English.
More discussion about Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change, other related human rights issues, see also IKCC at
NIRB recommends using new media technology to inform, consult and connect Inuit communities in its Final Hearing Report on Baffinland's Mary River Project released September 14, 2012.
One Day in the Life of Noah Piugattuk compresses Piugattuk’s 96-year lifetime into a dramatized feature film portrait of one day in that life, a 24-hour day when the sun never sets, out hunting seals on the spring sea ice in May 1961, in the Igloolik region of north Baffin Island.
"The Marakate are guided by fire and feather… in their singing they will find the way… if there are no jicareros to provide the offerings to the sacred place, illness may come, or it may stop raining."
- José María Reza, marakame (chanter, healer, schaman), Cohamiata, July 2002
In 1985, Zacharias Kunuk broke the race barrier at Canada Council for the Arts when his Inuktitut-language video, From Inuk Point of View, was the first work by an Inuit or Aboriginal artist deemed eligible to apply for a professional artist’s grant. Kunuk was the video’s director; Norman Cohn cameraman; Paul Apak editor; and elder Pauloosie Qulitalik told the story.… Leer más
From an Inuit point of view. Produced, directed, written, and acted by Inuit
This 13-part dramatic television series brings to life the people, setting and continuing story of how Inuit in the Igloolik region of the Canadian Arctic lived on the land in the 40s.
important concept we've heard in some of our interviews with elders is about
"the forbidden window". In the past, children were told not to touch
or eat ice off the window of the qammaq. These windows were made of animal
stomach, either bearded seal or walrus. The stomach would be stretched thin and
you could see clear through it when placed properly in a frame.… Leer más
I didn't expect that much success. It was the first feature film in Inuktitut, by Inuit, and I was just aiming to see what mistakes we would make and learn from them. Apparently we didn’t make any!
How important is the community to make Isuma successful?
An archive of weekly webcasts conducted by filmmakers Zacharias Kunuk and Ian Mauro in Igloolik, November 19 to December 17, 2009, talking about and working on their film project, Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change.
This video blog is for all you animal rights
activists out there. Eat your heart out on this video from Iqaluit elder Rita
Nashuk. Actually, maybe you should just consider eating a piece of heart, maybe
This early morning radio segment was broadcast throughout the Toronto region - from Barrie to Buffalo - and reaching a potential 8 million listeners. Hear Ian Mauro talk about the Inuit knowledge and climate change project and its findings.
This past spring, we were able to sit down and interview Michaëlle Jean, Canada's current Governor General, about her thoughts on the Arctic, Inuit and climate change. Zacharias and her had an amazing exchange about elders, countryfood, northern communities, and the future of this cold albeit changing landscape.… Leer más
An archive of weekly webcasts conducted by filmmakers Zacharias Kunuk and Ian Mauro in Igloolik, November 19 to December 17, 2009, talking about and working on their film project, Inuit Knowledge and Climate Change.
Arguably, the most bizarre, fascinating and perhaps
groundbreaking of all observations we've heard from Inuit is that they believe
our world has tilted on its axis and this contributes to climate change.… Leer más
Inuit are telling us their climate change stories in their mother tongue - the Inuktitut language. It's important that the elders and hunters are speaking in their own language, given that their teachings are both holistic and detailed, and are best communicated in Inuktitut. Today's story is about uqalurait: the snow drifts shaped like a tongue (see blog photo).
Joan Scottie is an Isuma tv writer from Baker Lake. She writes about seasonal activities, life on the land, her concerns about environment, nature and culture.
This site is part of an ongoing effort to create links between Inuit media artists in Nunavut and indigenous media groups in Mexico. It is also a reflection about cultural connections more generally. In what ways do cultural exchanges bring about new and innovative creative conversations? What do people learn from them?
Welcome to Channel 51 Taloyoak Tv.If you want to view certain videos posted on let Channel 51 Maintainer Joseph Quqqiaq Jr know which video or videos you would like to view on Taloyoak Tv Channel 51.Thank You,Enjoy!!!