Joan Scottie


Imagen de Joan Scottie


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  • Busy community with different goals

    uploaded by: Joan Scottie

    canal: Baker Lake News

    Weekends are always busy during the boating season. Inuit wage-earning hunters trying to fit in their weekends for a quick successful hunt.

    For the last two weeks thousands of migrating Qamanijuaq caribou across the lake had everyone heading out to in the general direction.

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    uploaded date: 26-07-2010

  • Weekend Trip

    uploaded by: Joan Scottie

    canal: Baker Lake News

    Annual excitment this time the year is the seeing the thousands of migrating Qamanirjuaq caribou herd across from community of Baker Lake.

    If they have not been impacted by human activity, or from aircraft noise, they would come right down to the beaches along the southwest side of Baker Lake.

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    uploaded date: 19-07-2010

  • Baker Lake News

    uploaded by: Joan Scottie

    Joan Scottie is an Isuma tv writer from Baker Lake. She writes about seasonal activities, life on the land, her concerns about environment, nature and culture.

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    uploaded date: 19-07-2010

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