Gabriela Gamez G


Imagen de Gabriela Gamez G
ARTCO new media workshop leader

For the past five years I have been working with indigenous children, artists and media makers in the Canadian Arctic and Latin America, exploring new solutions using video, art and new media technologies as tools for social transformation.

With the help and guidance of a group of inspiring people, I designed ARTCO as a project to experiment ways in which we can explore and practice the power, the benefit, and the creative energy of collective action. The questions behind ARTCO were: How can children and youth use new media to share experience, resolve common problems and find new ways to communicate across old barriers? and What is the “tool-kit” they need to be active participants in the reality they live in?

Under the direction of Norman Cohn, I was responsible of the design and concept creation of an online platform for indigenous and non-indigenous media makers. Within Isuma I also coordinated DIAMA, a project for digitizing the Inuit and Aboriginal media archive; and, the Indigenous Film Network project for community film distribution.

I was born in Mexico City in 1979 and have lived in Montreal, Canada since 2006. I studied Sociology and Political Science. In Mexico I worked as a consultant for UNESCO and the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Mexican Department for Education (SEP) and the Mexican Department for Social Development (SEDESOL).

I love being with my friends and family, yoga, walking, running, listening to music and I'm getting back to playing piano. Oh! and I love coffee!

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    uploaded by: David Ertel

    <?php echo t('ARTCO "Artisans of Today\'s Communities" is a project led by Kingulliit Productions and IsumaTV where Inuit and Cree children use new media tools to explore their past and present realities, practice collective action and create a better future.') ?>

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    uploaded date: 22-08-2011