

Imagen de nesbittl


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  • 14m 47s

    Climate Change and Great Bear Lake

    uploaded by: nesbittl

    canal: nesbittl's channel

    This short documentary was produced and directed by Lorien Nesbitt, Javier Lazo and Lesley Johnson for the Déline Renewable Resources Council in collaboration with the elders of Déline, NT. It focuses on the elders' traditional ecological knowledge of the impacts of climate change on Great Bear Lake.

    © Déline Renewable Resources Council

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    uploaded date: 26-05-2011

  • 14m 47s

    Climate Change in Great Bear Lake

    uploaded by: nesbittl

    canal: nesbittl's channel

    This short documentary was produced and directed by Lorien Nesbitt, Javier Lazo and Lesley Johnson for the Déline Renewable Resources Council in collaboration with the elders of Déline, NT, Canada. It focuses on the elders' traditional ecological knowledge of the impacts of climate change on Great Bear Lake.

    © Déline Renewable Resources Council

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    uploaded date: 25-05-2011

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