Kerry Redwood Atjecoutay


Imagen de Kerry Redwood Atjecoutay
Artist; Abstract Expressionism, Muralist and just your everyday house painter, Thai-Boxer-Instructor, Animal Rights and Liberation. Advocating a healthy lifestyle with food, combat sports, activism, with-out drugs, alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, caffeine and factory farmed animal flesh. Desire, to re-wild the the planet, Civilized man and those who have been assimilated, NOW make up 98% of the bio-mass, and just 2% are "wild" or free living, thats a colonization of Earth! WORLD DOMINATION HAS ALL READY HAPPENED ! I am the Plant-Based Native from Ka-wezauce “Little Boy First Nation (cowessess Saskatchewan Canada) Saulteaux/Cree of the Ojibwa Nation a descendant of the Anishinabek. MY BLOG: more


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  • Plant-Based Native

    uploaded by: Kerry Redwood Atjecoutay

    Activism - Animal Rights-Liberation. Nature Based peoples-realities and a mix of combat sports, Southeast Asian Boxing such as Muay Thai (Thai-Boxing), Kun Khmer (Khmer Boxing) and Mixed Martial Arts.

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    uploaded date: 26-01-2015

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