5m 20s 2021 Director Intro - Atanarjuat uploaded by: samcc canal: Press Kit and Official Stills Introduction of Atanarjuat by Zacharias Kunuk, August 2021.… Leer más
Facts at a glance uploaded by: Gabriela Gamez canal: Press Kit and Official Stills Production CompanyIgloolik Isuma Productions Inc.Company contact informationP.O. Box 223Igloolik, NunavutCANADAX0A 0L0+1.867.934.8809 / fax .8700Montréal:+1.514.486.0707 / fax .9851web: www.isuma.tv/isumaproductionsemail: info@isuma.ca… Leer más
Credits uploaded by: IsumaTV canal: Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner) Atanarjuat the fast runner dedicated to Amelia Angilirq (1957-2000) and to Paul Apak Angilirq (1954-1998) writer Paul Apak Angilirq director Zacharias Kunuk photography Norman Cohn… Leer más