"No Running Water"- Website on First Nations and running water
Please look at this link.
Very interesting and powerful film/webpage discussing the water situation in First Nation communities. It is estimated that over 3000 homes in Canadian First Nations reserves do not have access to running water. 40% of these homes are located in Manitoba, mainly in northern part of the province.
Without running water, homes in these communities consume a daily average of 10 litres of clean water per person, and around 20 litres of dirty water. The daily clean water consumption of an average Canadian household is 329 litres.
This lack of clean water leads to serious health problems; First Nations Peoples in these communities have been hit especially hard by viruses such as the H1N1 flu and whooping cough.
The UN considers 50 litres of clean water a day the minimum to meet basic human needs. It is the most essential element for our survival. These are Third World conditions in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Hopefully films and projects like this piece will wake people up to the gross inequalities present right here at home. For MUCH more information please visit the link above.