55m 45s Talking with Arsaniq Deer uploaded by: IsumaTV canal: Tunnganarniq Live TV and Inuit Art Host Margaret Noksana talks with Arsaniq Deer about tattoos and art LIVE on the Tunnganarniq Show March 9th 2022.… Leer más
57m 51s A Chat with Willow Allen uploaded by: IsumaTV canal: Tunnganarniq Live TV and Inuit Art Host Margaret Noksana sits down with model and aspiring social worker Willow Allen to talk about modelling, travelling the world and her future plans LIVE on the Tunnganarniq Show, March 2, 2022. … Leer más
52m 48s Luke Kinniksie June 9, 2021 uploaded by: dandietzel canal: Silamit: Year Three Sylvia Aggark talks with elder Luke Kinniksie LIVE on June 9th, 2021.… Leer más
57m 10s Sewing With Melanie uploaded by: IsumaTV canal: Tunnganarniq Live TV and Inuit Art Host Sylvia Aggark welcomes Melanie an Elder from Arviat to the Tunnganarniq show. LIVE on June 24th, 2021.… Leer más
1h 4m 27s Interview with the Team of Restless River uploaded by: dandietzel canal: dandietzel Lucy Tulugarjuk and Carol Kunnuk interview members of the cast and crew of Restless River (La rivière sans repo) LIVE on January 6th, 2020.… Leer más
58m 13s Interview With Elisapee Avingaq uploaded by: IsumaTV canal: Tunnganarniq Live TV and Inuit Art Host Lucy Tulugarjuk interviews artist, fashion designer and jewelry maker Elisapee Avingaq LIVE on November 4th, 2020.… Leer más
59m 33s Music With Joey Partridge uploaded by: IsumaTV canal: Tunnganarniq Live TV and Inuit Art Lucy Tulugarjuk interviews Joey Partridge, alias Juurini. LIVE on October 28, 2020.… Leer más
1h 4s Interview With Patuk Glenn uploaded by: IsumaTV canal: Tunnganarniq Live TV and Inuit Art Interview with Patuk Glenn, a TikTok sensation, about her viral videos. LIVE on September 2, 2020.… Leer más
58m 46s Interview with the Restless River team uploaded by: IsumaTV canal: Tunnganarniq Live TV and Inuit Art Lucy Tulugarjuk and Carol Kunnuk interview members of the cast and crew of Restless River (La rivière sans repo) LIVE on January 6th, 2020.… Leer más