Zacharias Kunuk QIA Platform

Bringing it Back to the Inuit

Inuktitut Version Video / Inuktitut Version Audio-only / Candidate website

My name is Zacharias Kunuk; I was born on the land near Igloolik in Kapuivik on Baffin Island side in 1957. Before I was sent to school, before the age of nine, I saw how we used to live. Sod houses, ice porch and traveling by dog team, Stories I heard at bedtime, I even started to go out with the men, different dog teams. My world ended when I was sent to school in 1966. I got to grade eight; to get higher I had to leave my community which I didn’t want.

I picked up the camera in 1981 and never looked back, making films from the Inuit side, Inuit talking back, not in angry manner but in right manner as they have been doing for 4000 years.

Today as a filmmaker I have been very fortunate to travel into communities in this Baffin region and have worked with many Inuit, Elders, youth, women and men on Inuit issues, how they lived on top of the food chain in the past, to the bottom of the food chain today.

More Results for Inuit

I believe we need major changes in how our Qikiqtani Inuit Association represents and benefits communities throughout our Region.

Community infrastructures are so much needed in our communities where our young population is growing. QIA annually receives dividends from various Corporations and entities, and we need a better system to make sure our communities get the full benefits they are entitled to, and expect.

- Every community should have an Elder’s drop-in centre, where old folks can get together and teach younger generations.

- Also, a Young people’s centre where young people have a place to meet and plan for the future.
- We also need to improve search and rescue using new technology knowledge among others.

- We also need to promote more use of our country foods, by implementing a system of community inter-trade. This can cut down on store-bought foods and therefore more income for other necessities of life.

- We need to educate our Beneficiaries in what QIA was created to do. QIA protects Beneficiaries' distinct rights as Inuit, more than governments of Canada or Nunavut. As our Regional Inuit Association, QIA must lead governments in preservation of Inuit Culture and Language, through, art, literature, music, TV, internet, education and promotion of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, so future generations of Inuit will know who they are and where they came from. No one else will preserve our culture for us, if we don’t do it ourselves.

- QIA should make sure all Baffin communities have modern communication tools to keep up with today’s world. Inuit communication is our strength. For 4000 years Inuit survived by adapting new tools and working together. New technologies like video and internet strengthen Inuit communication with governments and mining companies by keeping people informed, bringing communities together and giving young people modern skills for the future.

NTI Benefit Programs

I support the idea of Regional Inuit Associations delivering existing NTI programs at the regional level, such as Hunter Support Program and the Elders Pension Fund. Qikiqtani Inuit Association then will have more flexibility meeting the needs of Beneficiaries.

I think that we can improve some of these programs so that it is not only certain beneficiaries that are getting these benefits.

We also need to expand and explore more into other benefits that can go directly to the communities.

Teamwork and Communications

Teamwork is very important for an organization to work as it should. I will want to promote teamwork in QIA at both the Board level and the Administration.

We need to ensure that QIA is “People Friendly” through its websites, communications and its image, to make it easier for Beneficiaries to communicate with leaders in our own language in an Inuit way.

I will push and promote for Government of Nunavut policies and legislation to be more in line with Inuit customs and beliefs, so Inuit are not in hardships as we have seen in some existing Legislations.

With our high cost of living, I want to promote using our own resources, such as country foods. Why can't we have inter-community trade with our country foods? This can cut down on store bought foods and therefore more income for other necessities of life.

Your Views are Important

I want to hear from Beneficiaries themselves how they want their Regional Inuit Association to do more for them, ideas and what their needs are. Today's tools like email, internet and video let Inuit express themselves in our own language.

Email me at

Go to my website at and post comments, suggestions or even upload videos to tell me what you think.

If I am elected President of QIA, my email and website will always be open to all Inuit views.

Vote December 14

Let us put back what QIA was supposed to do, putting Inuit of our Region upfront for the betterment of Inuit and our Culture.

Vote for Zacharias Kunuk on December 14th for President of Qikiqtani Inuit Association. One who has new ideas, and willing to put the Organization back to Inuit of Qikiqtaaluk Region.


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18 noviembre 2009