Background resources

Background resources on Free, Prior and Informed Consent: 

  • The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
  • Factsheet on the UN Declaration
  • Factsheet on Free, Prior and Informed Consent
  • Paul Joffe, "United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Provisions relevant to “Consent” (2013)
  • UN Global Compact Business Reference Guide to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples “helps business understand, respect, and support the rights of Indigenous peoples by illustrating how these rights are relevant to business activities.”
  • Implementing a Corporate Free, Prior, and Informed Consent Policy: Benefits and Challenges, Talisman Energy commissioned by Foley Hoag LLP
  • Extractive industries and indigenous peoples, 2013 report by former UN Special rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous peoples, James Anaya
  • Oxfam Community Consent Index 2015: Oil, gas, and mining company public positions on Free, Prior, and Informed Consent 
  • Boreal Leadership Council: Understanding successful approaches to Free, Prior, and Informed Consent in Canada. Part I.



15 May 2015


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