There once was an octopus who liked to paint.
- 1. There once was an octopus who liked to paint.
- 2. She liked to drink tea while she painted.
- 3. Sometimes the octopus would dip her paintbrush in her teacup by mistake
- 4. Then she would have to wash paintbrush.
- 5. She made this mistake, over and over.
- 6. One day. The octopus had an idea!
- 7. Why not paint with tea?
- 8. So the octopus brewed many teas
- 9. The tea's where all different colors.
- 10. She mixed the tea with her pants.
- 11. She started to paint, using tea
- 12. The octopus didn't have to worry anymore, about washing her paintbrush.
- 13. And she happily drank tea, and painted beautiful pictures.