Pierre Fauteux


From 2001 to 2014, Pierre Fauteux FCPA,FCA was consultant of the Isuma collective. Since 2014 Pierre has been working as the Financial Advisor for the Isuma collective. Originally from Sherbrook, Pierre lives in Montreal since 1973. 

In 1973, Pierre Fauteux earned a bachelor's degree in Business Administration at Sherbrooke University and, in 1974, he became a member of the Quebec Chartered Accountant Order as well as of the Quebec Certified Management Accountant Order, two professional orders that merged in 2012 and became the Quebec CPA Order.

Pierre spent ten years with Coopers & Lybrand (now PWC), a multinational professional services network and one of the big four accounting firms in the world where, during five years, he worked as a tax expert, especially in corporate reorganization and in tax and estate planning and where, during another five years, he worked as an auditor for various major companies. Since the founding of Fauteux, Bruno, Bussière, Leewarden (FBBL) in 1984 and until his retirement in 2013, Pierre devoted himself to several areas of expertise including:


  • assistance in cases of litigation related to finance or taxation;
  • support to movie and television producers with various aspects of tax credits;
  • consultation for mergers and acquisitions;
  • financial and tax advice for small and medium-sized businesses.

Nearly 50% of the clientele he managed as partner at FBBL belonged to the cultural sector and the experience he acquired enabled him to act as a court expert for the Société Radio-Canada (SRC) in a litigation process related to a producer who filed a lawsuit against SRC. Between 1983 and 1994, Pierre has been a member of the Board of Directors of Société de Distribution Cinéma Libre, a non-profit organization.

Pierre has been a member of the Commission sur le financement de la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC) from 1996 to 2006 and a member of the Financing Committee of the Académie québécoise du théâtre between 2000 and 2006. He is also a member of the Chambre de commerce France-Canada since 2000.

Since April 2017, Pierre is a member of the Board of Directors of the Festival du nouveau cinéma, a world-renowned independent film festival held annually in Montréal. In September 2017, he became a member of the Investments Committee of a charitable organization. In 2012, as the founding partner of FBBL and because of his contribution to the Quebec CMA Order, Pierre was awarded a FCMA fellowship, the most prestigious distinction of the profession awarded by the Quebec CMA Order.

Pierre retired on 2013 as a partner of FBBL that was at that time one of the leading medium size accounting firms in Montreal. Since then he has been working as a consultant, mostly for movie producers in the following fields:

  • coordination of production audits with external auditors;
  • organization of corporate structures;
  • negotiations with tax authorities;
  • production financing;
  • supervision of production accounting;
  • tax credit;
  • tax planning.

À propos

19 mars 2019


More from this channel: Administration – Isuma Collective